Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Do not Ignore your Obesity- There is a solution to all your problems

Do not Ignore your Obesity- There is a solution  to all your problems

There has been a significant rise in obesity in the last decade, but obesity has been a part of our society since long. It was not considered seriously  due to lack of surgery for it and a degree of hopelessness in finding its solution. Excuses, denials and turning their face from the truth was a normal thing for all obese persons. It was also quite common for the society to consider obese persons less active and helpful and to a certain extent, a burden to the society. The attitude of society was one which made more problems for them than helping them. Their lack of control for eating and  inability to do physical activity was considered very negatively by society making their condition worse. This increased their psychological  problems as well as  their non acceptance of obesity and decreased their efforts to reduce weight.
There is still an argument by normal nonobese persons regarding bariatric surgery- that why a surgery for a condition like obesity which can be cured by diet and exercise? They all feel that it is a lack of effort and commitment from the obese person if they are not able to loose weight. It is certainly not true. Only an obese person can understand that with significant obesity loosing adequate amount of weight and maintaining it is almost impossible even with all effort and commitment.
Obesity related health hazard is also not new with India being one of the leading countries in no of diabetes, knee osteoarthritis and heart problem patients.
But now things have changed to a great extent. With the availability and a great amount of experience with bariatric surgery there is a ray of hope for obese persons. Those who are on a higher side of their weight,  have failed in multiple attempts of weight loss with diet and excercise, have diabetes, breathing problems, have knee problems limiting their mobility severly have still hope in bariatric surgery that can lead them back to a normal life led by all other people surrounding them.
This has lead to greater confidence in accepting that they are obese, that they have a problem and they want to solve it. A positive attitude is seen in their attempt to loose weight with diet modification and exercise. A confidence in demanding surgery to regain back their health is seen. Obese people have started becoming proactive in loosing weight and leading a normal healthy and active life. And miracles happen after bariatric surgery and weight loss. All our patients feel they are living a totally different life. Their relatives and friends see a different person in them. With freedom from lot many medical problems like diabetes, breathing problems, knee problems and with a increase in their mobility in general, they feel a new enthusiasm, a new zest for life. Patients themselves and all surrounding them see a very active and enthusiastic person in them. Its like a rebirth of that person.

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